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Ryan and Jimmy

Series: citizenkid


In Agweo, Uganda, villagers were used to walking a long way every day in search of water. What they found was often brown and smelly and made a lot of people sick. In Kemptville, Ontario, six-year-old Ryan was learning about the problem of unsafe drinking water in villages like Agweo. Ryan dreamed of building a well to supply a village in need with safe, clean water. Ryan started saving his money. Impressed by his initiative, a family friend wrote an article in the local newspaper about Ryan’s wish. Before long, ripples of goodwill began spreading, and people started sending money to help pay for the well. When Ryan’s well was built, a young boy in Agweo named Akana Jimmy wanted to thank Ryan in person for this gift of life – clean water. When they finally met, an unbreakable bond united these boys from very different backgrounds, and a long and sometimes life-threatening journey began.#A part of the CitizenKid collection.

ISBN: N/A Category:


It costs a lot of money to build a well in Africa — a lot more than Ryan Hreljac had thought. Still, the six year old kept doing chores around his parents’ house, even after he learned it could take him years to earn enough money. Then a friend of the family wrote an article in the local newspaper about Ryan’s wish to build a well to supply people with safe, clean water. Before long, ripples of goodwill began spreading. People started sending money to help pay for Ryan’s well. Ryan was interviewed on television. His dream of a well became an international news story.#In Agweo, Uganda, villagers were used to walking a long way every day in search of water. What they found was often brown and smelly and made a lot of people sick. But when Ryan’s well was built, life in the village changed for the better. A young orphan named Akana Jimmy longed for a chance to thank Ryan in person for this gift of life — clean water.#When they finally meet, an unbreakable bond unites these boys from very different backgrounds, and a long and sometimes life-threatening journey begins.#Ryan and Jimmy is part of CitizenKid: A collection of books that inform children about the world and inspire them to be better global citizens.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Paperback, eBook

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Reading Levels

    lexile level
  • 810L

  • guided reading
  • P

  • guided reading grade level
  • 3/4

  • accelerated reader interest lvl
  • LG

  • accelerated reader reading level
  • 5.6

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"A truly inspirational story, this book can effectively teach about problems and solutions."

LMC Library Media Connection, 02/02/2007

"Ryan and Jimmy is a true story of friendship and compassion in which a simple wish to help others brings focus to the necessities that unite us all.", 05/12/2006

"A great choice for book talking or small-group sharing and discussion, with many possible connections, from social and economic to geographic and political."

School Library Journal, 01/11/2006

"This inspiring true story of survival, friendship and activism is never preachy, and the text, dotted with color photographs, carefully preserves a child’s eye view throughout."

Kirkus Reviews, 01/10/2006

"Reminds us that many young people today can and will do wonderful things for their communities ..."

Quill & Quire, Starred Review, 01/10/2006


  • 2008 - Silver Birch Award, Ontario Library Association, Commended

  • 2007 - Alberta Children’s Rocky Mountain Book Award, Metro Atlanta Corporate Volunteer Council, Commended

  • 2007 - Carol D. Reiser Award, Saskatchewan Young Readers’ Choice, Winner

  • 2007 - Diamond Willow Award, Children’s Literature Roundtables of Canada, Commended

  • 2007 - Information Book Award, The Society of School Librarians International, Commended

  • 2007 - International Book Award, Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Winner

  • 2007 - Norma Fleck Award, International Reading Association, Commended

  • 2007 - Notable Books for a Global Society, CBC, Winner

  • 2007 - Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People, Skipping Stones Magazine, Commended

  • 2007 - Skipping Stones Honor Award, ForeWord Magazine, Winner

  • 2006 - Book of the Year Award, , Commended

  • 2006 - Disney Adventures Book Award, , Winner

  • 2006 - Parents’ Choice Recommended, , Winner

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